Prayer and the Perseid Meteor Shower.

I was up late one night last week… really late. And just as I finished my work for the night, I remembered the Perseid meteor shower was supposed to be peaking right then. So I stepped outside onto our back porch and looked up.

In the first 10 seconds I saw two “shooting stars” – then a few more a bit later, then one every minute or two. It was so cool. Finally it slowed. I snuck back inside and climbed in bed.

Funny thing is, this was Tuesday, August 11th, and I still haven’t told my wife or my kids about it. Life moves so fast – so many rich and complex things pass through our days. It can be very hard to stop and reflect on any of it. I’m convinced that this is one of the reasons God gave us prayer. Through prayer, we have a chance to take stock of our worries and fears, our hopes and joys, and all that we’re thankful for, and lay it all at the feet of Jesus… anytime.  come sun or moon or another ice bucket challenge video. There’s never a bad time to pray.